
The Planting of “Kapa” at the four Devalaya premises on Aug 31st

The “Kap Chanting” which took place yesterday early morning marking the beginning of Kandy Esala Perahera Festival 2023 will planted on (Aug. 31) at the four Devalaya premises at the auspicious time for this ritual. As the first ritual of the Kandy Esala Perahera Festival comes to an end, the inside processions will commence from […]

Demon dance kandy srilanka

Few have heard of, fewer still have witnessed, Cannabis Dancing with the Devil… For thousands of years a dance rooted from sacred rites has been performed to fight off demons and even the Devil himself… Cannabis’s role in the Devils Dance? Only to help communicate to different worlds/realities, compelling the Demon… Performed by a Kattadiya […]

Esala perahera kandy srilanka

The Kandy Esala Perahera (the Sri Dalada Perahara procession of Kandy) also known as The Festival of the Tooth is a festival starting on July 03 in Kandy, Sri Lanka. This historical procession is held annually to pay homage to the Sacred Tooth Relic of Buddha, which is housed at the Sri Dalada Maligawa in Kandy. A unique symbol of Sri Lanka, the procession consists of traditional local […]